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An analysis of some of the most insane code I've ever written

NOTE: Some of the examples I show in this blog post may change by the time you read it.

I'm in college now, which means that I have to be organized. Luckily, in my senior year of high school, I wrote a calendar in C. At the time I saw nrem (the calendar system) as more of an academic project to create some interesting systems from scratch and never got around to designing a decent UX or writing documentation on how to use it. Today I decided to dust off some of the cobwebs and see if I could make it actually work well, and holy crap I completely forgot how unhinged this code was.

The trie

nrem (the calendar system, which is always in lowercase) stores event data in a trie. To encode an event happening at some time, we take the UNIX timestamp of the event, convert into a 64 bit binary integer, and find the binary tree node that corresponds with that timestamp. From the root node, every time we see a 0 in the timestamp, we go left, and every time we see a 1, we go right.

For example, to encode an event that happened on January 1, 2006 at 3:04:05 PM in the -0700 time zone, we:

  1. Take the UNIX timestamp of that event (1136239445)
  2. Convert it to binary (1000000000000000000000000000000001000011101110011010001101010101)
    Note that this is the inverse of twos complement, for positive integers the first bit is a 1 rather than a 0.
  3. Find the corresponding node on the binary tree

    For every 0 in the binary timestamp, we go left, and for every 1, we go right. In this case, we go right, left, left, left, ..., left, right, left, left, left, left, right, right, right, left, ...

  4. Add the event data to that node.

This allows us to quickly search for events happening within a time frame while avoiding the imbalances that come from standard binary search trees and the complex reshufflings that come from red-black trees.

The subnet problem

What if I want to schedule an event from 3:00PM to 4:00PM? I could store it in the 3:00 PM node and add some metadata saying that the event takes place over an hour, but if I search for events happening from "now" until "now+2w" at 3:01 PM, I won't even realize that I've completely missed the start of my event.

We could try creating 3600 separate events - one for every second - and add some metadata to each one saying "this is all the same event", but that's really inefficient.

We could cheat by combining multiple nodes together. If an event takes place between 01100 and 01101, we could just put the event in the 0110 node and implicitly understand that the event actually takes place over all timestamps that begin with 0110, including 01100 and 01101.

Unfortunately, most events won't fit neatly into some binary prefix of a UNIX timestamp, so we'll still have to encode events over multiple nodes. Our goal now is to find the smallest set of nodes that completely cover some time range without going over.

I call this the "subnet problem", since this method of encoding a range of numbers through a binary prefix is used in Classless Inter-Domain Routing. Mathematically, we're basically finding the smallest set of CIDR prefixes such that the union of all the prefixes entirely encompasses some range.

The actual function I wrote to solve the subnet problem is 122 lines of code, but 58 of those lines are actually just a really long comment explaining my algorithm. I did a pretty good job explaining things then, so here's the comment converted into HTML with some extra notes where they're needed.

Some dark magic I thought of at midnight while trying to go to sleep. This code generates the smallest possible set of binary string prefixes that fully encompasses a range. Here's how it works:

Let's simplify this problem and try to find the smallest set of prefixes that goes from some number n to 0xffffff... EDITOR'S NOTE: I really mean "from n to infinity", or "from n to the largest possible number". Let's say, for example, n=0b00110100

You can find the lower bound of a binary string prefix by setting all the non-captured bits to zero and the upper bound by setting all the non-captured bits to one. Since we only care about the lower bound, we want the largest possible prefix where all the non-captured bits are already zero. In this case, 0b00110100/6

That string captures 0b00110100-0b00110111 inclusive. Now the goal is to find the set of prefixes that capture 0b00111000-0b11111111. In this case, that's 0b00111000/5.

I really mean that the largest prefix (the one with the most encompassed values) that includes the lower end of this range without going under is 0b00111000/5.

We can continue on like this forever. That last group captures 0b00111000-0b00111111, so our next prefix has to start at 0b01000000. Algorithmically, the next prefix is always the least precise prefix where the non-captured bits of the lower bound are all zero. Then, we fill the non-captured bits with ones, add one, and that's the new lower bound. That code looks like this:

uint64_t lower = start;
for (;;) {
	uint64_t bit = 1;
	int precision = 64;

	// While the iterated bit is zero
	while (lower ^ bit > lower) {
		// For efficiency, we fill the uncaptured bits
		// with ones as we check them
		lower ^= bit;

		// Iterate to the next bit
		bit <<= 1;
	report_prefix(lower, precision);

This code could be rewritten a bit more elegantly with ands and ors instead of xors, but I think this version is slightly more friendly to optimizing compilers.

The code below is just a golfed version of this with a check to make sure we don't go too big. The separate bit and precision variables are combined, and the while loop is turned to a for.

This code runs in O(b^2) time where b is the width of the integer. This is because for each prefix we may loop b times, and there may be b prefixes. This can be seen in the prefixes for 0x1-0xffffff...

In theory this could be reduced to O(b log b) by using binary search to find the maximum precision of a prefix, or even O(b) by memoizing the precision of the previous prefix, but that would make the code far more complicated.

The actual code

while (lower <= end) {
	int precision;
	for (precision = 0; /* For each bit */
			/* Make sure we're not leaving uncaptured
			 * ones */
			(lower ^ (1llu << precision)) > lower &&
			/* Make sure we don't go too high */
			(lower ^ (1llu << precision)) <= end;
			++precision) {
		/* Fill uncaptured bits with ones */
		lower ^= (1llu << precision);
	/* Report a prefix */
	if (dateaddbit(file, lower, 64-precision,
				id, nextsmptr, &nextsmptr)) {
		return -1;
	/* Update lower bound */

Date parsing

Here's an actual piece of C code I wrote. As you read through this, understand that this is the exact same language as much every other code block in this article.


	R(absolute_time, R(offsets, noop, noop), E))

		ret->time = mktime(&ret->tm), E))

TS(absolute_time_parse, if (getlocaltime(&ret->tm)) { E },
	L("now", noop, ret->tm.tm_isdst = -1;
		R(time, noop, E), noop),
	R(time, noop, E))))

	R(number, ret->tm.tm_year = ret->num - 1900;
	R(number, ret->tm.tm_mon = ret->num-1; /* Jan = 0 */
	R(number, ret->tm.tm_mday = ret->num, E), E), E), E), E))

		L("AM", noop,
		L("PM", ret->tm.tm_hour += 12, noop)), E))

T(hour_minute, ret->tm.tm_hour = ret->tm.tm_min = ret->tm.tm_sec = 0;
	       R(number, ret->tm.tm_hour = ret->num;
	L(":", R(number, ret->tm.tm_min = ret->num;
	L(":", R(number, ret->tm.tm_sec = ret->num, E), noop), E), noop), E))

	R(offset, R(offsets, noop, noop), noop))

	L("+", R(offset_value, ret->time += ret->num, E),
	L("-", R(offset_value, ret->time -= ret->num, E), E)))

	R(number, R(value, ret->num = tosec(ret->value) * ret->num, E), E))

TS(number, ret->num = 0,
	R(digseq, noop, E))

	R(digit, R(digseq, noop, noop), E))

	L("w", ret->value = WEEK,
	L("d", ret->value = DAY,
	L("h", ret->value = HOUR,
	L("m", ret->value = MINUTE,
	L("s", ret->value = SECOND, E))))))

	L("0", ret->num = ret->num * 10 + 0,
	L("1", ret->num = ret->num * 10 + 1,
	L("2", ret->num = ret->num * 10 + 2,
	L("3", ret->num = ret->num * 10 + 3,
	L("4", ret->num = ret->num * 10 + 4,
	L("5", ret->num = ret->num * 10 + 5,
	L("6", ret->num = ret->num * 10 + 6,
	L("7", ret->num = ret->num * 10 + 7,
	L("8", ret->num = ret->num * 10 + 8,
	L("9", ret->num = ret->num * 10 + 9, E)))))))))))

You may quite reasonably ask, "Hey Nate, what is this garbage?" Perhaps this will help contextualize things:

static char *literal(char *s, char *r) {
	while (r[0] != '\0') {
		if (s[0] != r[0]) {
			return NULL;
	return s;

#define DECLARE(token) \
static char *match_##token(char *s, TYPE *ret);

#define TS(name, start, process) \
static char *match_##name(char *s, TYPE *ret) { \
	start; \
	process; \

#define T(name, process) \
	TS(name,, process)

#define G(rule, match, nomatch) \
	TYPE backup; \
	char *olds = s; \
	memcpy(&backup, ret, sizeof backup); \
	if ((s = rule) != NULL) { \
		match; \
		return s; \
	} \
	else { \
		memcpy(ret, &backup, sizeof backup); \
		s = olds; \
		nomatch; \
		return s; \
	} \

#define R(rule, match, nomatch) \
	G(match_##rule(s, ret), match, nomatch)

#define L(litval, match, nomatch) \
	G(literal(s, litval), match, nomatch)

#define E return NULL;
#define noop ;

This is a top-down parser generator implemented entirely in the C preprocessor. You begin by assigning some data type associated with each node in the parse tree, similar to the %union declaration in yacc.

typedef struct {
	union {
		struct tm tm;
		time_t time;
	enum VALUE value;
	int64_t num;

You then declare all of the symbols that you're going to use:


Each symbol declaration expands to a function prototype, which might look like this:

static char *match_absolute_time(char *s, TYPE *ret);

Each of these functions will assume that s begins with its respective token and process it. If s doesn't actually begin with that token, then it returns NULL. Otherwise, it returns the rest of s. Along the way, they may store some extra data in ret.

We then define all the rules to parse tokens. Let's look at a relatively simple rule to start:

	R(absolute_time, R(offsets, noop, noop), E))

This rule translates to the following code:

static char *match_date(char *s, TYPE *ret) {
	TYPE backup;
	char *olds = s;
	memcpy(&backup, ret, sizeof backup);
	if ((s = match_absolute_time(s, ret)) != NULL) {
		TYPE backup;
		char *olds = s;
		memcpy(&backup, ret, sizeof backup);
		if ((s = match_offsets(s, ret)) != NULL) {
			return s;
		else {
			memcpy(ret, &backup, sizeof backup);
			s = olds;
			return s;
		return s;
	else {
		memcpy(ret, &backup, sizeof backup);
		s = olds;
		return NULL;
		return s;

There are a bunch of extra semicolons and some unreachable code here, those should get fixed by any decent compiler. The initial R directive tries to match an absolute time. If that works, then we continue with the first argument. Otherwise, we continue with the second argument. In this case, we try to match an absolute_time. If we don't have one, then we immediately return NULL. If we do have one, then we create a backup of the current state and try to match an offsets. If that works, then we immediately return. Otherwise, we restore from the backup and return from there.

This is a stupidly effective solution, outside of just using yacc or doing these expansions by hand, I'm not aware of a simpler way to write a parser in C.

File structures

Oh boy more preprocessor magic!

#define NAMESPACE df_
#define STRUCTS \
	X(header, \
		Y(PADDING, magic, 8) \
		Y(PTR, bit1, node) \
		Y(U8, bitn, ~) \
		Y(PADDING, reserved, 16) \
	) \
	X(node, \
		Y(PTR, child0, node) \
		Y(PTR, child1, node) \
		Y(PTR, event, event) \
		Y(PADDING, reserved, 16) \
	) \
	X(event, \
		Y(PTR, next, event) \
		Y(PTR, prev, event) \
		Y(PTR, nextsm, event) \
		Y(PTR, ptr, event_data) \
		Y(PADDING, reserved, 16) \
	) \
	X(event_data, \
		Y(U64, functions, ~) \
		Y(PTR, firstev, event) \
		Y(I64, start, ~) \
		Y(I64, end, ~) \
		Y(STR, name, ~) \

#include "filestruct.h"
#undef STRUCTS

This code automatically defines several structures, as well as several functions to read, write, free, and defragment them. If you understand X-macros then the actual implementation of filestruct.h should be trivial but tedious.


nrem is not a product of software development, it's a product of computer science. It's a parser generator, it's a solution to the subnet problem, it's a set of really interesting ideas, but it's not at all practical. If I wanted to use a calendar, I would have used SQL and Python, or used one of the million already existing calendar programs. I didn't just want a calendar, I wanted a really cool calendar, and that's what nrem is.