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Acceleration is proportional to force, velocity is the integral of acceleration over time, and displacement is the integral of velocity over time. That's a nice symmetry of the universe. The displacement of an object is just the second integral of the force over the mass with respect to time.
If this symmetry continued forever, then kinetic energy would be the integral of force over time. If I apply 1 newton of force to an object for 1 second, then logically I should add 1 joule. Unfortunately, it doesn't work that way. Instead, energy is the integral of force over distance. If I continuously apply 1 newton of force to move an object 1 meter, then I've applied 1 joule of energy, even though I've applied that force for seconds.
One obvious solution to this problem is to think of "energy" as a purely human invention. If I want to move a block from point A to point B, it's easier to have a number that works on distance rather than time. There is, in fact, another unit for force integrated over time; it's called impulse.
That doesn't work though, because there's another definition of energy that I haven't mentioned. If I take 1 mole ( molecules) of and 2 moles of , and react them to form 2 moles of , 572 kJ of energy will be released. If I instead take 2 moles of and react it with 4 moles of to form 4 moles of , it will release 1144 kJ of energy.
The "enthalpy change", or change in energy of a reaction is directly proportional to the number of particles reacted. It's not at all obvious to me why particles should move at a velocity proportional to the square root of their kinetic energy (temperature), rather than directly proportional to their kinetic energy.
I really don't have an answer to this. I took AP Chemistry last year and I'm taking AP Physics this year, and something just doesn't click for me.